Main News that Happened in nombre in united kingdoms

El encargado del estado de Rajasthan, Ajay Maken, acusó a los legisladores rebeldes que no se presentaron a una reunión del Partido Legislativo del Congreso (CLP) el 25 de septiembre por la noche para elegir al sucesor del primer ministro Ashok Ghelot. El Sr. Gehlot está programado para disputar las elecciones presidenciales del Congreso.
Los resultados de la Prueba Común de Ingreso a la Universidad (CUET)-PG, para la cual se habían registrado 6,07 lakh de candidatos, se anunciaron el lunes, según funcionarios de la Agencia Nacional de Pruebas (NTA). El examen se llevó a cabo en el modo de prueba basada en computadora (CBT), que comprende preguntas de opción múltiple.
La rupia cayó 58 paise para cerrar en un mínimo histórico de 81,67 (provisional) frente al dólar estadounidense el 26 de septiembre de 2022, ya que el fortalecimiento de la moneda estadounidense en el extranjero y el sentimiento de aversión al riesgo entre los inversores pesaron sobre la unidad local. Además, la escalada de los riesgos geopolíticos debido al conflicto en Ucrania, una tendencia negativa en las acciones nacionales y la salida significativa de fondos extranjeros minaron el apetito de los inversores, dijeron los comerciantes de divisas.
El primer ministro Narendra Modi partirá hacia Japón el lunes por la noche para asistir al funeral del ex primer ministro japonés Shinzo Abe, quien fue asesinado en julio de este año y el martes se le dará un funeral de estado en el enorme estadio cubierto Nippon Budokan de Tokio. El Sr. Modi también asistirá a una ceremonia formal para dignatarios en el Palacio de Akasaka (Casa de Huéspedes del Estado) y sostendrá una reunión bilateral «breve» con el Primer Ministro japonés Fumio Kishida, su tercera reunión de este tipo este año.
El 26 de septiembre, el Partido Aam Aadmi (AAP) criticó al Congreso por la crisis política en curso en Rajasthan y dijo que primero debería tomar un ‘Congreso Jodo Yatra’ en lugar de continuar con su ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’. El partido liderado por Arvind Kejriwal también ridiculizó al primer ministro de Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, y a Sachin Pilot por el drama político en curso, diciendo que los dos líderes del Congreso en su «lucha por el poder» se han burlado del mandato del pueblo.
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, S. Jaishankar, criticó el domingo a los principales medios de comunicación estadounidenses, incluido The Washington Post ., por su cobertura «sesgada» de la India. “Miro a los medios. Sabes, hay algunos periódicos que sabes exactamente lo que van a escribir, incluido uno en esta ciudad”, dijo el Sr. Jaishankar a una reunión de indios estadounidenses de todo el país en medio de risas y aplausos el 25 de septiembre
. condición del Ahmedabad-Mumbai Tejas Express, el IRCTC ha escrito a los Ferrocarriles para que se pueda asignar un rastrillo de Vande Bharat para hacer funcionar el tren corporativo. Bio-inodoros y pantallas LCD que funcionan mal, y fugas de agua en los vagones son algunos de los problemas señalados con bandera roja por el IRCTC desde julio en sus cartas a la Junta de Ferrocarriles y a los Ferrocarriles del Oeste, la zona en la que circula el tren, instándolos a ayudar. arreglar lo mismo.
El Partido Comunista de India (Marxista) [CPI(M)] ha arremetido contra la ministra principal de Bengala Occidental, Mamata Banerjee, alegando que ha «suavizado» su posición contra el BJP, RSS y el primer ministro Narendra Modi en un intento de «salvar el sindicato corrupto-criminal en el que se ha convertido el Congreso Trinamool (TMC).
Un hombre armado abrió fuego en una escuela en el centro de Rusia el lunes, matando a 13 personas e hiriendo a otras 23 antes de suicidarse, dijeron las autoridades. El Comité de Investigación de Rusia dijo que el tiroteo tuvo lugar en una escuela en Izhevsk, una ciudad a unos 960 kilómetros (600 millas) al este de Moscú en la región de Udmurtia. Los heridos fueron 14 niños y 7 adultos, dijo el Comité.
Las autoridades de Bangladesh corrían contra el tiempo el 26 de septiembre para encontrar sobrevivientes del accidente del barco que involucró a devotos hindúes, incluso cuando el número de muertos en el incidente aumentó a al menos 39, en su mayoría niños y mujeres. Los devotos se dirigían hacia el Templo Bodeshwari con motivo de Mahalaya, el comienzo auspicioso del festival Durga Puja, cuando el bote abarrotado volcó en el río Korotoa en el distrito de Panchagarh, en el noroeste del país.
Un ataque nocturno con drones cerca del puerto ucraniano de Odesa provocó un incendio masivo y una explosión, dijeron las fuerzas armadas el 26 de septiembre, horas después de que Estados Unidos prometiera tomar medidas decisivas y prometiera “consecuencias catastróficas” si Rusia usa armas nucleares en Ucrania.
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Exceptional Philanthropy: Tural Aliyev Generosity Transforms Lives in Northern Cyprus

Tural Aliyev, an extraordinary entrepreneur whose journey of success is only matched by his dedication to giving back to the community. Starting from humble beginnings in large corporations, Tural’s commitment to helping others remained unwavering as he ventured into the realms of real estate and car gallery businesses. His achievements not only showcase financial prosperity but also the profound impact one can make when driven by genuine altruism.
Tural’s real estate business in Northern Cyprus, Sun Republic, has become a trailblazer in the industry.
With an unparalleled understanding of the market and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Tural has brought forth architectural marvels that redefine the skyline. Luxurious residential complexes and awe-inspiring commercial spaces stand testament to his commitment to quality and innovation. Notably, Tural’s emphasis on sustainability sets him apart, as his projects incorporate eco-friendly technologies, showcasing his dedication to preserving the environment.
Beyond his business accomplishments, Tural’s philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on countless lives. Through substantial donations and unwavering support, he has sponsored educational programs, funded scholarships, and actively championed charitable causes, embodying a deep sense of corporate social responsibility.
«In the dynamic real estate market of Northern Cyprus, Sun Republic has emerged as a leading company, delivering exceptional results and garnering a reputation for excellence,» Tural remarks. Through meticulous market analysis and personalized solutions, Sun Republic has become a trusted partner for investors from various countries. The company’s dedication to client satisfaction and transparency has fostered long-lasting relationships built on trust and reliability.

Tural Aliyev’s vision for the future encompasses creating vibrant communities where homes are sanctuaries promoting happiness and harmonious living. His commitment to sustainability and economic growth has positioned him as a visionary leader in the real estate and car dealership industries in Northern Cyprus.
In line with his vision, Tural can be found on Instagram @aliyev, sharing his journey and philanthropic initiatives. For more information about Sun Republic and its exceptional services, visit
With a heart that beats for the betterment of society and a visionary mind that shapes the future, Tural Aliyev continues to leave an inspiring legacy of excellence and positive impact in Northern Cyprus.
Entrepreneur Adnan Ashraf Partners with Crypto Crowdfunding Platform to Expand Nine Restaurant Brand Globally

Adnan Ashraf, a multifaceted entrepreneur with interests spanning pharmaceuticals, technology, and real estate, is embarking on an exciting new venture to expand the renowned Nine restaurant brand into a global franchise. With its reputation for upscale Japanese cuisine and stunning panoramic views, Nine has captured the attention of discerning diners worldwide, and Mr. Ashraf aims to bring this exceptional dining experience to numerous locations across the globe.
To realize his ambitious expansion plans, Mr. Ashraf has engaged in discussions with a pioneering crypto crowdfunding platform, forging a strategic partnership for a joint venture involving 100 stores with an estimated investment of $120 million. Harnessing the power of cryptocurrency, Mr. Ashraf intends to expedite the growth of the Nine franchise and achieve his objectives more efficiently.
The first milestone in this expansion journey involves acquiring a prime waterfront location in Canary Wharf, a prestigious business district in London. Serving as the flagship Nine restaurant, this iconic setting will exemplify the brand’s exquisite cuisine and offer guests unparalleled views. Mr. Ashraf’s vision extends beyond this initial location, as he plans to continue expanding into other prime spots in London and beyond, introducing the Nine dining experience to cosmopolitan cities worldwide.
By partnering with a cryptocurrency crowdfunding platform, Mr. Ashraf aims to tap into the immense potential of this innovative funding mechanism. Cryptocurrency not only streamlines the investment process but also attracts a global community of investors passionate about supporting groundbreaking ventures in the hospitality industry. This collaboration is expected to fuel the rapid expansion of the Nine franchise, ensuring that more diners can savor its exceptional culinary offerings and immerse themselves in the extraordinary ambiance that defines the brand.
Drawing on his extensive entrepreneurial experience, Adnan Ashraf brings a wealth of expertise to this venture. His track record of success across various sectors attests to his ability to navigate complex business landscapes and identify unique opportunities for growth. With his diverse business interests and unwavering commitment to excellence, Mr. Ashraf is poised to spearhead the global expansion of the Nine restaurant brand, establishing a network of exceptional dining establishments worldwide.
Alexey Ivanov Alliance Rental: Redefining Luxury Travel Experiences

Alliance Trucks, the leading Japanese and Korean car dealer in Russia, is proud to announce the launch of its new luxury transport rental aggregator, Alliance Rental. The project is the brainchild of Alexey Ivanov, the CEO and owner of Alliance Trucks, a successful businessman, traveler, and blogger. With over 59 countries visited, Alexey Ivanov has gained valuable experience in the automotive industry, which he has leveraged to create Alliance Trucks, a company that generates a trade revenue of $50 million annually.
Founded in 2014, Alliance Trucks has become the biggest Japanese and Korean car dealer in Russia, with four authorized and certified workshops, warehouses in the capital, and numerous certificates of first dealer with top-rated sales and service quality. The company’s mechanic team has won different national and international competitions of professional skills, including the ISUZU GRAN PRIX, where they were the first Russian and second in the world.
Alexey Ivanov’s awareness and commitment to 10 corporate rules have enabled Alliance Trucks to achieve its current status as a respected and reputable brand in the automotive industry. The rules include prioritizing emotional intelligence, respecting corporate culture and business ethics, seeking opportunities for growth in every crisis, and being socially active and engaged in charitable projects.
Alliance Parts, Alexey Ivanov’s latest venture, is a cars and spare parts distribution business in the United Arab Emirates with a global partnership with different car brands. The company leverages Alexey’s life and professional experience to scale similar projects in different market areas.
Alliance Rental is Alexey Ivanov’s latest project, an aggregator that offers a one-stop-shop for luxury transport rentals. The project’s main idea is to provide all the luxury transport rentals that customers may need for emotional holidays, celebrations, dream realization, business meetings, or just for premium lifestyle in one mobile application.
The application, marketing brand, and all business processes are complete, and legal compliance with local laws, rules, and regulations is under process.
Alliance Rental offers taxi Rolls-Royce, luxury sport cars, yachts, helicopters, and aircraft rentals. Partnerships with operators of luxury services are currently being signed, and the project is ready to launch soon.
Alexey Ivanov’s mission is to make the world a better and cleaner place, live a long, bright, and memorable life, create a family, raise children, create and invent something that deeply touches the feelings of people, be a mentor, teach knowledge, and leave a significant mark in history, society, and culture.
For more information on Alliance Rental and Alexey Ivanov, follow him on Instagram at @a.a.ivanov
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